A 3-week old rolly polly! |

Bob and Ruby in April 2001. |

Ruby is a very confident, protective,
and dominant female. She is also a very loving family pet for us. Just make sure she knows you are supposed to
be in our yard!
Ruby suffered breaks to both her
back legs before she was a year old. Nothing genetic -- when one leg gets broken, it is common for the other to break
at some point due to overcompensation. Both legs were surgically repaired, although it stopped her from competing in
conformation or doing serious bite work. Matt Green, a knowledgable trainer in our area and fellow bulldogger, had worked
Ruby, and said her bite was awesome, full, and hard enough to break his skin through the sleeve; yet her temperament
was such that she thought of this as fun and he could pet her immediately after working her.
Ruby was so much like her daddy, Tank. She had tons of energy
and drive. Ruby was a real protector, but a big love to our family and strangers if she knew they were okay.
On top of everything else, Ruby was
OFA Fair!
We lost our beloved Ruby on March 17, 2006, to Hemangiosarcoma, a
cancer of the lining of blood vessels and spleen. This is a highly malignant cancer that presents little warning and
causes a rapid death. It is impossible to verbalize the void in our family that losing Ruby has caused. We are
just so grateful for having had her and, although we miss her daily, she is always alive in our hearts.