Chyna |

This sleeve is bigger than me! |
Buddha (Preacher x Buffy) |

Chris and Buddha working on the bark and hold. |
Sky King on his 1st birthday. |

Ty's Diesel of Sure Grip x Ty's Savannah of Sure Grip owned by Cecil Jones (6/17/94 - 2004). |

Sky King and his best friend, Annielea. |

One of Dannie Frost's pups, Bruiser. Walk tall and carry a big stick. |
Blaze (Trouble x Stella) |

Here I come! (at 5 mos. old!) |
Norcal's Big Trouble of Boyds |

In his "younger" days. Trouble was a great dog! (RIP) |
Pain (Trouble x Ciren) |

RIP 2004. You are missed! |
Stumper owned by Max Garces. |

Stumper is a son of Lupo the Butcher (Dodgion's Tank x Dodgion's Annie). |
7 week old pup . . . |

Owned by Robert Iverson. |
Jeff Richman and his 2 Tank grandkids |

Norcal's Big Trouble of Boyds x J.R.'s Stella AmBull |
Lupien (pup on left in picture above) |

Lupien is turning into an all around working AB. |
Wild River's Siskiyou owned by Pam Ownby. |

Siskiyou has a .27/.27 PennHip score! |
Tequila |

A beautiful Presa male bred and owned by Cathy Thomas. |
Mya and Tia . . . |

Cathy's granddaughter Mya getting a kiss from Tequila's sister. |